Course Description

Digital Photography 7th & 8th Grade Elective Course 2011-2012
Kristen Sanchez
Course Description: 

Students will learn the creative and technical aspects of digital photography, use digital cameras and editing software, and complete a digital photography portfolio.  Topics will include:  a brief history of photography, master photographers, fundamentals of composition and lighting, genre photography (landscape, portrait, and photojournalism), color balance and correction, Adobe Photoshop and special effects.  Students will need periodic access to a digital camera of any kind in order to complete homework assignments.

Our course blog, NFS Digital Diaries, is viewable at  All students are authors on the blog and are able to post their work for viewing. Students love comments.  Please feel free to post positive feedback on our work!

Course scope & sequence:

·       Baseline assessment

·       History of photography

·       Master photographers and the power of photography

o   Ansel Adams

o   Lewis Hine

o   Dorothea Lange

·       Fundamentals of composition and lighting

·       Genre photography

o   Landscapes & nature

o   Still life

o   Portraits – peers, elders, children

o   Photojournalism

·       Adobe Photoshop

o   Correction tools

o   Color tools and effects

o   Brush and smudge tools

o   Crop and slice tools

o   Layers

·       Special effects and projects

o   Artistic effects such as Impressionism, Surrealism and Andy Warhol Pop Art

·       Portfolio selection and reflection

Assessment & Homework:

·       This course is graded pass/fail.  Students will be given comments, not grades, on assignments and the report card.

·       The majority of course work will be completed in class.  Students will have occasional homework assignments.