Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Project!

Check out this picture from President Barack Obama's flickr photostream.  I like this simple yet powerful way to share your message.

This year's "SPICE" at NFS is equality.  Find a quote that relates to equality and speaks to you in some way.  Write that quote *neatly* so that others may read it on a chalkboard.  Working with a small group, go outside (if it's raining go upstairs to the Library) and take pictures of each other holding up your chalkboards.  Make sure that the text is readable.  Try to take the photo so that the upper half of the person's body is in the frame (see the Obama example).  If you have a very long quote, excerpt it, or write it in two or three parts and take two or three pictures.

When you are done, transfer the pictures from your SD card to the student common folder.  Then each person should logon to this blog and post her/his picture.  Write a few sentences explaining why you chose that quote (why you like it, what it means to you, what it reminds you of...)

REMINDER:  Make sure your blogger user ID does not include too much revealing information.  No full names, no addresses, no obvious birthdays.  Protect yourself online!

The goals of this activity are:
  • stage and take a photo
  • move a photo file to the student common folder
  • upload a photo to the blog
  • write a caption on the blog
If you don't finish today, you can finish tomorrow. 

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